European Social Fund

The information presented in this section corresponds to the 2014-2020 programming period. The AEI no longer publishes announcements with the funds of this period. However, a large part of the aid co-financed with the funds of this period are currently in execution or in scientific-technical or administrative justification.

The new programming period, 2021-2027, is still in the initial stages of definition. This process is expected to be completed in the first half of 2022.

Documentation and Legislation

All the necessary information is available at the following link:

Co-financed actions

Youth Employment Operational Program

The objective of this call was to grant aid, with a duration of two years, to improve the training and employability of technical and R+D management personnel through their employment contracting in universities, organizations and entities research of the public sector while reinforcing its research activities and the performance of infrastructures, scientific-technical equipment, laboratories or any other facility or service of a general nature or for common use of the entity, of a scientific nature. technical, or research management.

The staff to be hired had to have one of the following qualifications:

  • University degrees: graduate, engineer, architect, graduate, diploma, technical engineer and technical architect.
  • Degrees within the vocational training framework of the educational system: technical or superior technician.

In order to achieve the objectives pursued through this action, it was up to the requesting institutions to prepare an activity proposal and a training plan, these institutions being the ones that will carry out, if they are beneficiaries of the aid, the processes of selection and hiring of personnel. This is an action framed within the measures to promote employability and occupation of the National Plan for the Implementation of the Youth Guarantee and the National Youth Guarantee System.

The announcements for grants in competitive competition co-financed with FSE funds are: