Collegiate Bodies

The Governing Council is the collegiate governing body of the Agency. It is made up of the following members:


  • Raquel Yotti Álvarez. General Secretary for Research.


  • Teresa Riesgo Alcaide. General Secretary for Innovation. Ministry of Science and Innovation.
  • Domènec Espriu Climent. Director of the State Investigation Agency.
  • Javier Ponce Martínez. Director of the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI).
  • Gonzalo Arévalo Nieto, General Director of Research Planning.
  • Cristobal Belda Iniesta. Director of the Carlos III Health Institute.
  • Esperanza Samblás Quintana. General Director of European Funds. Ministry of Finance.
  • Jose Manuel Pingarrón Carrazón. Secretary General of Universities. Ministry of Universities.
  • Raúl Blanco Díaz. Secretary General for Industry and SMEs. Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
  • Silvia Calzón Fernández. Secretary of State for Health. Ministry of Health.
  • Elena García Armada. Center for Automation and Robotics, CSIC-UPM (as a renowned scientist or technologist).
  • María del Pilar García Mayo. University of the Basque Country (as a scientist or technologist of recognized prestige).
  • Luis Antonio Oro Giral. University of Zaragoza (as an expert in R+D+I).
  • María Josefa Alonso Fernández. University of Santiago de Compostela. Professor (as an expert in R+D+I).
  • Javier Sánchez España. Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, IGME-CSIC (as representative of the Workers).

Secretary with voice but without vote

  • Salvador Fortes Alba. Secretary General of the State Investigation Agency.


  • Teresa Riesgo Alcaide. General Secretary for Innovation. Ministry of Science and Innovation.


  • Esperanza Samblás Quintana. General Director of European Funds. Ministry of Finance.
  • Luis Antonio Oro Giral. University of Zaragoza.
  • Vacancy.

In accordance with article 13.3 of the Statute, the Control Commission's meetings will be attended, with voice but without vote, by the Delegate Controller of the Agency, a representative of the corresponding Inspection of Services and the head of the General Secretariat of the Agency.

The Scientific and Technical Committee is the permanent advisory and advisory collegiate body of the Agency.

This Committee will advise the Agency on the annual plan of activities and on the principles, methodologies and practices of scientific and technical evaluation by which the Agency will be governed, incorporating international standards. It will also be in charge of advising on the monitoring, results and impact of the Agency's actions and in defining the criteria for selecting collaborators and experts..

This Committee, which will meet periodically every four months, is made up of twelve experts of recognized international prestige, whose selection has taken into account the balanced distribution of all the major areas of knowledge.

The Scientific and Technical Committee of the State Research Agency is made up of:

  • Luis Fernando Álvarez-Gascón. General Director of Secure e-Solutions at GMV, Aeronautical Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Executive MBA from the Business Institute, PDG from IESE. He is currently Vice President, and President of the R+D+I Commission, of the Association of Electronics, Information Technology, Telecommunications and Digital Content Companies (AMETIC) and member of the Executive Committee of the R+D+I Commission i of CEOE, President of the Forum of Innovative Companies and member of HITEC Spain.
  • Manuel Arellano González. He studied Economics at the University of Barcelona, ​​doing a doctorate at the London School of Economics. He has worked as a professor at the universities of Barcelona, ​​Oxford, the London School of Economics and the CEMFI in Madrid, where he has taught econometrics since 1991. He has been director of the Review of Economic Studies, president of the European Economic Association in 2013 and president of the Econometric Society in 2014. He is currently a member of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC). He is a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a King Jaime I Prize for Economics.
  • José Antonio Carrillo de la Plata. He is currently Professor of the Analysis of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford (United Kingdom). Previously he worked as a professor and researcher at Imperial College London, ICREA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ​​University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Granada where he trained and received his doctorate. His field of research is the study of partial derivative equations and their applications in different fields of science and engineering. He has made notable contributions to nonlinear diffusion equations and kinetic equations with applications to multi-agent systems. He has participated in various evaluation committees at national and international level such as ERC Grants, ICREA Research Professors, and project panels in the UK, Spain, Sweden, Lithuania and Portugal. He is IP of a 2019 ERC Advanced Grant for research in complex dynamics of particle systems: phase transitions, patterns and synchronization. He was the chair of the Applied Mathematics committee of the European Mathematical Society 2014-2017. He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences, Section Mathematics, since 2018 and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Fellow Class 2019.
  • Ana M. Crespo de las Casas. Emeritus Professor of the Complutense University of Madrid, Academic of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, currently being its General Secretary. She is a Research Associate at the Field Museum in Chicago. Acharius medal. Medal from the Menéndez y Pelayo International University. As a Botanist she has developed her research in organismic, evolutionary and systematic biology. She has worked on the morphological homoplasia of lichenized fungi and her work pioneered molecular phylogeny and the discovery of cryptic species in symbiotic fungi. She has served on numerous international committees and scientific panels and has collaborated with leading international scientific evaluation agencies. Between 1987-1993 she was General Director of Universities (Higher Education) of the Government of Spain and General Director of the Cabinet of the Secretary of State for Universities and Research. She was the General Coordinator of the CNEAI (2005-2008).
  • Ana María Cuervo. She studied medicine at the University of Valencia and currently holds the Robert and Renee Belfer chair for the study of neurodegenerative diseases at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, where she is Professor of Molecular Developmental Biology and Medicine and co-director of the Center for Studies on Aging. Her research group studies cell cleaning and recycling mechanisms and the effect that their loss of function with age has on aging and related diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and metabolic diseases. She has served as a member of the Scientific Council of the National Institute on Aging and of the Council of the National Institutes of Health in the United States and has been elected an international corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Valencian Community, a member of the Royal Academy of Exact Sciences , Physical and Natural, member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and member of the National Academy of Sciences. More information in this link
  • Mercedes García-Arenal. Historian of religion and culture. CSIC Research Professor at its Center for Human and Social Sciences. She has a doctorate in Arabic and Islam from the Complutense University, she did a post-doctoral stay at SOAS, London. She has been a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (USA). The production of her written by her is abundant in books and articles published in international magazines. She has been the PI of two European projects, ERC AdvancedGrant and newly started ERC Synergy. She has belonged to various national and international evaluation bodies and committees, such as secretary of the CNEAI commission, ICREA promotion, or ERC panels. She is currently a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the CSIC.
  • Ramón López de Mántaras Badia. CSIC Research Professor. Founder of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute. Electronic Engineer from Mondragón University, Doctor of Physics from Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of California-Berkeley and Doctor of Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He has been Associate Professor at the Barcelona School of Informatics and Professor at the Pierre et Marie Curie University in Paris. He has received, among others, the following awards: "City of Barcelona Research Award" in 1982, "Robert S. Engelmore Award" from the American Association for Artificial Intelligence in 2011, and "Distinguished Service Award" from the European Association of Artificial intelligence (EurAI) in 2016, IJCAI "Donald E. Walker Award" in 2017 and "Julio Rey Pastor" National Research Award in Mathematics and Information Technologies in 2018. He is an honorary member of the European Intelligence Association Artificial and permanent member of the Institute of Catalan Studies. Currently he is researching reasoning by analogy, and machine learning techniques in humanoid robots. Co-author of the popularization book "Artificial Intelligence" within the CSIC book collection "What We Know About ”Published by the publishing house Los Libros de la Catarata. For more information consult:
  • Fernando Martín García. He studied Quantum Chemistry and Theoretical Physics at the Autonomous University of Madrid. He received his doctorate from this same university and later did postdoctoral studies at the University of Bordeaux I, the University of Paris VI and the University of Chicago. He is currently Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid and Associate Researcher at IMDEA Nanoscience. His research work focuses on computational modeling of the effects of laser light on atoms and molecules, and the properties of new materials and nano-objects. He has been awarded the King Juan Carlos I National Research Prize, the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry Prize in Chemical Physics, the King Jaime I National Research Prize in Basic Sciences and the doctorate Honoris Causa by the University of Stockholm. He has also been Principal Investigator for several projects funded by the European Research Council, including two Advanced Grants, a Proof-of-Concept Grant and, most recently, a Synergy Grant in which he also acts as coordinator. He is currently the president of the European network “Attosecond Chemistry”.
  • Nazario Martín León. Professor of Organic Chemistry at the UCM and co-founder and Deputy Director of the IMDEA-Nanoscience Institute of the Community of Madrid. Prof. Martín's research covers different topics with special emphasis on the chemistry of carbon nanostructures in the context of chirality, electronic transfer, applications in bio-medicine, photovoltaics and nanoscience. He has directed 46 Doctoral Theses and is co-editor of 6 books and 14 special issues in international journals. Prof. Martín is a member of numerous scientific committees in national and international congresses and scientific journals. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) and a corresponding academic at the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain. Since 2015 he is a corresponding academic of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain (RAC). He has written numerous opinion articles and has been president of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (2006-2012) and president-elect of the Confederation of Scientific Societies of Spain (COSCE) in 2015-2019. He has received numerous awards of great national and international prestige, including the Jaime I for basic research, the Miguel Catalán from the Community of Madrid, the RSEQ research award and gold medal or the DuPont research award, as well as El Alexander von Humboldt Award (Germany) and the Richard E. Smalley (USA). In 2020 he received the “Enrique Moles” National Chemistry Award. Prof. Martín has received the “Advanced Grant” from the European Research Council (ERC) (2013-2019) and, recently, the “Synergy-Grant” from the ERC (2021-2027). Since 2018 he is a member of the Academia Europaea and distinguished as a Chemistry Europe Fellow (Wiley). For more information, you can visit their website at:
  • Daniel Ramón Vidal. He has a degree and a doctorate in Biological Sciences from the University of Valencia. He did his doctorate at the pharmaceutical company Antibióticos S.A. He did post-doctoral stays at the Wageningen University of Agriculture (The Netherlands). He was Professor of Food Technology at the University of Valencia and Research Professor at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA) of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). Currently he is on leave of absence from both responsibilities.In 2003 he founded the biotechnology company Biopolis S.L. specialized in microbial biotechnology and in 2008 the company Lifesequencing S.L. specialized in mass genomics. Both companies were acquired in 2017 by the North American multinational Archer Daniels Midland Co (ADM). He is currently ADM's “Distinguished Research Fellow Microbiome”. He has obtained the Prize of the Spanish Society of Microbiology, the Prize for Scientific Career from the Danone Institute, the European Prize for Scientific Dissemination, the Juan de la Cierva National Research Prize, the International Hippocrates Prize, the Medal for the Promotion of Invention of the García Cabrerizo Foundation and the “Nutrachampion” International Award. He is a Full Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain.
  • Pilar Santisteban. CSIC research professor at the ’Alberto Sols’ Biomedical Research Institute. Her research has been seminal in advancing knowledge about the mechanisms that control thyroid function, tissue-specific transcription, and the signaling pathways involved in response to hormones and growth factors. Her work has had a translational projection applied to thyroid pathologies such as congenital hypothyroidism and cancer. In addition to her scientific activities, she actively collaborates in the Master and Doctorate programs of the UAM and other Spanish universities. She is the principal investigator of competitive research projects financed by the National R+D+I Plan, the Carlos III Health Institute and the Community of Madrid, as well as by the Biotechnology Program (EU) and Fullbright (Spain-USA) . He has participated and/or participates in evaluation bodies and committees, among which the following stand out: Fundamental Biology Program, Consolider-Ingenio 2010, ICREA, CNEAI, Profarma, Council of Science and Technology of the Community of Madrid and University Quality Agency of Catalonia (HERE). She has been vice president of the Spanish Endocrinology Society, president of the European Thyroid Society and Spanish delegate on the Board of Directors of the Joint Research Center (JRC). She has received different awards for her scientific career in the area of ​​thyroid research, among which the Medal of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition stands out.
  • Nuria Sebastián Gallés, Vice President. Professor of Psychology in the Information and Communication Technologies Department at Pompeu Fabra University. She received her doctorate from the University of Barcelona and later did postdoctoral stays at the LSCP of the CNRS in Paris and at the Max Plank Institute of Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen (Netherlands). She has been a visiting researcher at various centers, including the IRCS at the Univ. Of Pennsylvania, the ICN at University College in London, and at the University of Chicago (where she was also a professor). She has received various international recognitions, such as an award from the McDonnell Foundation (within the program "Bridging Mind, Brain and Behavior) or teaching one of the prestigious" Nijmegen Lectures. She has been a member of the “advisory board” of the OECD “Brain and Learning” initiative and currently she is a member of the Scientific Council of National Education of the Ministry of Education in France. In 2016 she was elected a fellow of the British Academy. She has been a member of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council and also one of its vice-presidents. Her research focuses on the study of brain mechanisms for language learning and processing, with special emphasis on bilingual populations.