Evaluation for Entities

Any convening body may request the evaluation of the corresponding applications, using the following model based on the public price order.

Said request should be sent to the e-mail box s.evaluacion@aei.gob.es belonging to the Subdivision of Coordination and Evaluation of the State Investigation Agency (SCE).

The SCE, taking into account the characteristics, volume, terms and other circumstances, may or may not accept the request for services (it is recommended to read the Guide to request assessment services AEI 2021).

The SCE will establish all these terms with the requesting entity and, once agreed, will send a budget that must be accepted and signed by the head of the convening entity.

In case of acceptance, it will send to the mailbox indicated by the requesting entity in its request, the provisional budget of the requested service.

Said budget must be accepted by the requesting entity and sent through the mailbox indicated in the third paragraph.

Once the budget has been accepted, the Coordination and Evaluation Branch will send the requesting entity the pertinent instructions for loading applications into the evaluation computer application.

Once the service has been provided, the State Research Agency will issue an invoice with the cost of the service performed. The applicant entity must enter the corresponding amount in the income account of the State Research Agency.

As of the entry into force of Order EIC/899/2017, of September 19 (BOE of September 22), the scientific-technical evaluation services provided by the State Research Agency to public or private entities will be processed by the public price system, in accordance with its provisions.