Expert People

The AEI has a database of experts, called “Bank of AEI Collaborating Experts (BECA)”, registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, with national and foreign experts. Currently, the BECA has more than 36,000 experts, including all those who have participated in a previous evaluation process, the main researchers of a project funded in PEICTI calls (or in previous National Plans) and the researchers who have obtained a “Ramón y Cajal” contract.

How can I belong to that database?

Any researcher can request to be part of this bank of experts following a simple procedure of expression of interest that basically consists of sending their CV to the email This CV will be examined in the corresponding subject area to determine if it has sufficient scientific experience to join the BECA.


Both the evaluations and the attendance to the commissions are remunerated according to the amounts indicated at all times by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations (order of December 19, 2019).