
Chairwoman: Raquel Yotti Álvarez.

The President of the Agency is the head of the General Secretariat for Research. Therefore, it does not have a human resources structure specifically attached to the AEI.

According to the Statute of the AEI, the following functions correspond to the President of the Agency:

  • Hold the highest institutional and legal representation of the Agency, preside over its Governing Council and ensure compliance with its object, purposes and functions.

  • Convene the sessions of the Governing Council.

  • Settle ties with your vote, in order to adopt resolutions, within the Governing Council.

  • Present the Agency's annual report of activities to the Governing Council.

  • Inform the competent ministerial departments and other State institutions about the execution and fulfillment of the objectives set in the Agency's management contract.

  • Celebrate collaboration agreements, memoranda of understanding, execution agreements or legal instruments of any other nature that may generate commitments and obligations for the Agency, without prejudice to the delegations that, where appropriate, are established.

  • Urge the head of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function to authorize the budgetary variations that are required.

  • Propose to the Governing Council the appointment and removal of the Director of the Agency.

  • Propose to the Governing Council the appointment of the members of the Control Commission.

  • Exercise the other powers and functions attributed to it by this Statute, the Governing Council and the current provisions.