
Managing Director: Domènec Espriu Climent. See CV

Contact: Torrelaguna street 58 bis


Principal functions:

In accordance with the AEI Statute, the Director of the following functions correspond:

  • Carry out the ordinary management and management of the Agency, within the framework of the functions attributed in this section or those that are expressly delegated to it.
  • Prepare and submit to the Governing Council the proposal for the Agency's management contract.
  • Prepare and submit to the Governing Council the strategic and operational objectives of the Agency, and the procedures, criteria and indicators for measuring compliance and the degree of efficiency in management.
  • Prepare and submit to the Governing Council the annual action plan and direct and coordinate the activities that are necessary for the development of the Agency's functions.
  • Prepare and submit to the Governing Council the preliminary draft budget of the Agency.
  • Prepare the annual accounts and submit them to the Governing Council together with the audit report.
  • Agree on budgetary variations that are deemed necessary and that should not be authorized by the Minister of Finance and Public Function and propose to the president those that require such authorization.
  • Authorize, for justified cause, the provision of expenses, the recognition of obligations and the ordering of the corresponding payments that will be reported to the Governing Council.
  • Propose the modification of the general limits of expenditure commitment charged to future fiscal years for justified reasons, which will be reported to the Governing Council.
  • Submit to the Governing Council the annual report of ordinary and extraordinary activities of the Agency.
  • Prepare and submit to the Control Commission a monthly report on the state of budget execution.
  • Enter into contracts with the conditions and limits that may be established, reporting it to the Governing Council.
  • Propose to the Governing Council the appointment and removal of the Agency's management staff.
  • Anticipate the staffing needs of the Agency; propose to the Governing Council the list of jobs and the criteria for the selection of labor personnel; resolve the calls for the provision of civil servant jobs and hire the workforce.
  • Propose to the Governing Council the criteria for determining the performance incentives of the Agency's staff.
  • Appoint or dismiss collaborators and experts referred to in article 28.6 of this Statute.
  • Exercise the institutional and legal representation of the Agency when it does not correspond to its president or those functions have been expressly delegated.
  • Obtain from the Scientific and Technical Committee the reports and advice it deems necessary for the proper functioning of the Agency.
  • Any other that is attributed to it by the Governing Council.

Advisory member: Fernando Blazquez Mayoral

Contact: Torrelaguna street 58 bis


Principal functions:

The Director of the AEI has a Support Unit, whose functions are the following:

  • Advise the Director of the AEI.
  • Coordinate the institutional relations of the AEI.
  • Prepare and manage the AEI Communication Plan.
  • Coordinate response to parliamentary questions and other statistical data and reporting requirements.