Manage your Grant

To request a modification of the execution period (extensions/temporary interruptions) of an grant, you must access the call to which the affected grant corresponds, which you can find in announcements finder.

Once the call has been located, in the "Processing of Grant" section or, failing that, in the "Execution and Justification" section, you will find the corresponding application forms and the appropriate instructions.

General issues to consider

In all cases, the interruptions and extensions requested must be in accordance with the assumptions included in the corresponding call.

Applications must be submitted through Facilit@ ( before the end of the period of execution of the grant, with the notice established by the calls (in general, a month or two months are established).

The electronic signature of the Legal Representative will always be required for the documentation to reach the processing systems.

In the case of projects with two main researchers, applications must be submitted to Facilit@ with the signature of the IP that acts as interlocutor with the ministry and with the handwritten signature of the second IP.

In the case of coordinated projects, the request to extend the execution period of the subprojects must be handwritten signed by the project coordinating researcher.

In no case may the extension period of the subprojects of a coordinated project exceed the end date of subproject 1 and project coordinator.

As a general rule, the request for extension/recovery of the interrupted period will contain the following information:

  • Scientific and technical reasoned and detailed justification of the need to extend the execution period, including the reasons that have motivated the delay in the execution of the project objectives.


  • Detailed proposal of activities to be developed to achieve the fulfillment of the pending objectives.


  • Updated status of the expenditure made and committed to date and the remainder available for pending activities.


  • Detail of the forecast of expenses by concepts until the end of the project, including the requested extension.


  • For temporary interruptions:

    • THE RESOLUTION OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SECURITY, in cases of maternity or paternity, OR OF THE HIGH PART OF SOCIAL SECURITY, in cases of risk during pregnancy, risk during lactation or in case of temporary disability.




To request a modification of the execution period of an grant, you must access the call to which the affected grant corresponds, which you can find in announcements finder.

Once the call has been located, in the "Processing of Grant" section or, failing that, in the "Execution and Justification" section, you will find the corresponding application forms and the appropriate instructions.

General issues to consider

In all cases, the interruptions and extensions requested must be in accordance with the assumptions included in the corresponding call.

Applications must be submitted through Facilit@ ( before the end of the period of execution of the grant, with the notice established by the calls.

The presentation of each application will always require the signature of the Legal Representative of the Center receiving the grant.

To request a modification of the execution period of an grant, you must access the call to which the affected grant corresponds, which you can find in announcements finder.

Once the call has been located, in the "Processing of Grant" section or, failing that, in the "Execution and Justification" section, you will find the corresponding application forms and the appropriate instructions.

General issues to consider

In all cases, the interruptions and extensions requested must be in accordance with the assumptions included in the corresponding call.

Applications must be submitted through Facilit@ ( before the end of the period of execution of the grant, with the notice established by the calls.

The presentation of each application will always require the signature of the Legal Representative of the Center receiving the grant.

To request a modification of the execution period of an grant, you must access the call to which the affected grant corresponds, which you can find in announcements finder.

Once the call has been located, in the "Processing of Grant" section or, failing that, in the "Execution and Justification" section, you will find the corresponding application forms and the appropriate instructions.

General issues to consider

In all cases, the interruptions and extensions requested must be in accordance with the assumptions included in the corresponding call.

Applications must be submitted through Facilit@ ( before the end of the period of execution of the grant, with the notice established by the calls.

The presentation of each application will always require the signature of the Legal Representative of the Center receiving the grant.

To request a modification of the execution period of an grant, you must access the call to which the affected grant corresponds, which you can find in announcements finder.

Once the call has been located, in the "Processing of Grant" section or, failing that, in the "Execution and Justification" section, you will find the corresponding application forms and the appropriate instructions.

General issues to consider

In all cases, the interruptions and extensions requested must be in accordance with the assumptions included in the corresponding call.

Applications must be submitted through Facilit@ ( before the end of the period of execution of the grant, with the notice established by the calls.

The presentation of each application will always require the signature of the Legal Representative of the Center receiving the grant.

To request a modification of the execution period of an grant, you must access the call to which the affected grant corresponds, which you can find in announcements finder.

Once the call has been located, in the "Processing of Grant" section or, failing that, in the "Execution and Justification" section, you will find the corresponding application forms and the appropriate instructions.

General issues to consider

In all cases, the interruptions and extensions requested must be in accordance with the assumptions included in the corresponding call.

Applications must be submitted through Facilit@ ( before the end of the period of execution of the grant, with the notice established by the calls.

The presentation of each application will always require the signature of the Legal Representative of the Center receiving the grant.

A change of ownership is considered to be mergers, takeovers, divisions due to segregation or any other legal change that affects an entity with an institutional legal cause and is supported by the corresponding notarial deeds. A change of ownership implies a change in the NIF of the entity receiving the grant and a modification of the award resolution.

Instructions for requesting a change of ownership
  1. Prerequisite: registration of the new beneficiary entity of the grant in SISEN in case it was not previously registered.

    The following steps must be followed:

    NOTE 1: The entity with the old name and NIF will continue to be active in this Registry of Entities until there are no pending files of any phase and the company requests the withdrawal from SISEN.

    NOTE 2: In the event that the new beneficiary entity of the grant is already registered, it will only be necessary to provide SISEN with the new deeds justifying the change of ownership.


  2. Request for change of ownership of grant files.

    • It must be formally submitted by electronic registration or through the CVE through a generic instance.


    • The request will be accompanied by:

      • Explanatory report according to the attached model.


      • Deeds justifying the change of ownership and its inclusion in the commercial register.


      • Declaration of the new entity in which it undertakes to give continuity to the projects in the terms in which the grant received was accepted.


      • Responsible declaration that the new entity is not involved in any of the circumstances that prevent it from having the status of beneficiary, according to the attached annex.


      • Other documentation. Any document that, in the applicant's opinion, can help facilitate the processing.


  3. Communication to the mailbox:

    Once the previous documentation has been presented, the requesting entity will inform at this address attaching a copy of the application receipt.

To request a modification of the execution period of an grant, you must access the call to which the affected grant corresponds, which you can find in announcements finder.

Once the call has been located, in the "Processing of Grant" section or, failing that, in the "Execution and Justification" section, you will find the corresponding application forms and the appropriate instructions.

General issues to consider

In all cases, the interruptions and extensions requested must be in accordance with the assumptions included in the corresponding call.

Applications must be submitted through Facilit@ ( before the end of the period of execution of the grant, with the notice established by the calls.

The presentation of each application will always require the signature of the Legal Representative of the Center receiving the grant.

To request a modification of the execution period of an grant, you must access the call to which the affected grant corresponds, which you can find in announcements finder.

Once the call has been located, in the "Processing of Grant" section or, failing that, in the "Execution and Justification" section, you will find the corresponding application forms and the appropriate instructions.

General issues to consider

In all cases, the interruptions and extensions requested must be in accordance with the assumptions included in the corresponding call.

Applications must be submitted through Facilit@ ( before the end of the period of execution of the grant, with the notice established by the calls.

The presentation of each application will always require the signature of the Legal Representative of the Center receiving the grant.

Optional appeal for replenishment (SIA 224985)

It consists of appealing the administrative acts when they put an end to the administrative process before the same body that issued them.

Basic regulations: Law 39/2015 of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, articles 112 to 120 and 123 and 124.

Start form: Interested party request with the requirements of article 115 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.

Deadline to file: One month, if the act was express. If it is not, it may be filed at any time from the day following that on which, in accordance with its specific regulations, the alleged act occurs.

Place of presentation: Any of the registries and offices referred to in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.

General Electronic Registry of the AGE (put in the field "recipient organization" EA0041197)
Facilit@ - Virtual Records Folder (only registered users, for specific procedures)

Documents to provide: All those you deem appropriate for the defense of your argument.

Phases of the procedure: The general ones of the administrative procedure.

Resolution period: One month. Once this period has elapsed without an express resolution, the appeal may be understood to have been dismissed.

Competent body to resolve: Same body that issued the appealed act.

Appeals: Contentious-administrative appeal before the corresponding jurisdictional body within a period of two months, (article 46 of Law 29/1998, of July 13). No new administrative appeal may be filed against the resolution of an appeal for reconsideration, except for the extraordinary review, when appropriate.

Processing Unit: General Secretary EA0041197 – Legal Area 


Extraordinary appeal for review (SIA 2841657)

It consists of appealing the firm acts in administrative proceedings when any of the circumstances provided for in article 125.1 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations concurs.

Basic regulations: Law 39/2015 of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, articles 113 to 120 and 125 and 126.
Form of initiation: Request from the interested party with the requirements of article 115 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, which must be based on one of the following causes:

  1. That when dictating them an error of fact had been incurred, resulting from the documents included in the file.
  2. That documents of essential value appear for the resolution of the matter that, even if they are later, show the error of the appealed resolution.
  3. That the resolution was essentially influenced by documents or testimonies declared false by a final court ruling, before or after that resolution.
  4. That the resolution had been issued as a result of prevarication, bribery, violence, fraudulent machination or other punishable conduct and has been declared so by virtue of a final court ruling.

Deadline: In the case of the 1st cause, within a period of four years following the date of notification of the contested resolution. In all other cases, the term will be three months from the time the documents were received or from the time the court ruling became final.

Place of presentation: Any of the registries and offices referred to in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.
General Electronic Registry of the AGE (put in the field "recipient organization" EA0041197)
Facilit@ - Virtual Records Folder (only registered users, for specific procedures)

Documents to provide: All those you deem appropriate for the defense of your argument.

Phases of the procedure: The general ones of the administrative procedure. It is worth noting the need to obtain an opinion from the Council of State, unless the body that decides decides not to be admitted for processing.

Deadline for resolution: Three months. Once this period has elapsed without resolution, the appeal may be understood to have been dismissed.

Competent body to resolve: Same body that issued the appealed act.

Appeals: Contentious-administrative appeal before the corresponding jurisdictional body within two months (article 46 of Law 29/1998, of July 13).

Processing Unit: General Secretary EA0041197 – Legal Area 

Ex officio review of null acts (SIA 2841659)

It consists of requesting the declaration of nullity of an administrative act that has put an end to the administrative procedure or that has not been appealed within the term, in the cases provided for in article 47.1 of Law 39/2015, of October 1 , of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

Basic regulations: Law 39/2015 of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, article 106.

Form of initiation: Ex officio or at the request of the interested party.

Deadline to formulate it: There is no deadline, it can be requested at any time.

Place of presentation: Any of the registries and offices referred to in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.

General Electronic Registry of the AGE (put in the field "recipient organization" EA0041197)

Documents to provide: All those you deem appropriate for the defense of your argument.

Resolution term: Six months. Once this period has elapsed without an express resolution, the nullity action may be understood to have been dismissed.

Competent body to resolve: Depends on the body that has issued the act that is intended to be annulled. It is established in article 111 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.

Resources: Contencioso-administrative appeal before the corresponding jurisdictional body depending on the body that issued the resolution.

Processing Unit: General Secretary EA0041197 – Legal Area


Claim for patrimonial responsibility

It consists of requesting compensation for any injury that individuals suffer to their assets and rights, except in cases of force majeure, provided that the injury is a consequence of the normal or abnormal operation of public services and that the damage is effective , economically evaluable and individualized in relation to a person or group of people and who do not have the legal duty to support it.

Basic regulations: Law 39/2015 of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, articles 91 and 92, and Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, articles 32 to 35.

Form of Start: Ex officio or by claim of the interested parties.

Term: One year, from the occurrence of the fact or act that motivates the compensation or from the manifestation of its harmful effect.

Place of presentation: Any of the registries and offices referred to in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.

General Electronic Registry of the AGE (put in the field "recipient organization" EA0041197 o E05043502)

Documents to provide: All those you deem appropriate for the defense of your argument.

Phases of the procedure: The general ones of the administrative procedure, with the specialties of articles 67, 81, 91 and 92 of Law 39/2015 of October 1. It will be necessary to obtain an opinion from the Council of State when the amount exceeds 50,000 euros.

Resolution term: Six months. Once this period has elapsed without resolution, the request for compensation may be understood to have been rejected.

Competent body to resolve: Corresponds to the head of the Ministry of Science and Innovation or the Council of Ministers in the cases of article 32.3 of Law 40/2015, of October 1 or when a Law so you have it.

Resources: Optional appeal for replenishment within one month or contentious-administrative appeal before the corresponding jurisdictional body, within two months (article 46 of Law 29/1998 of July 13).

Processing Unit: General Secretary EA0041197 – Legal Area / Subdirección General de Recursos y Relaciones con los Tribunales E05043502


Penalty procedure for infractions in the matter of subsidies (SIA 2354160)

The imposition of sanctions in the matter of subsidies will be carried out through an administrative file in which, in any case, the interested party will be given a hearing before the corresponding agreement is issued.

Basic regulations: Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies, articles 52 to 67, Law 39/2015 of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, articles 61, 63, 64, 77, 85, 88, 89, 90, 96, 98 and 114, Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, article 30 and Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21, which approves the Regulation of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies, articles 102 and 103.

Form of Start: Ex officio.

Term: Three years for very serious infractions, two years for serious and six months for minor.

Place of presentation of allegations and/or other documents: Any of the registries and offices referred to in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.

General Electronic Registry of the AGE (put in the field "recipient organization" EA0041197)

Documents to submit in pleadings: All those you deem convenient for your defense.

Phases of the procedure: The general ones of the administrative procedure, with the specialties of the sanctioning procedure included in Law 39/2015 of October 1 and articles 102 and 103 of Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21, which approves the Regulation of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.

Resolution term: Six months. After this period without resolution, it will expire.

Competent body to resolve: Corresponds to the head of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, competence delegated to the Director of the State Research Agency, unless the sanction consists of the loss of the possibility of obtaining subsidies, public aid and State guarantees, in the prohibition to enter into contracts with the State or other public entities or in the loss of the possibility of acting as a collaborating entity in relation to the subsidies regulated in this law, that the competence will correspond to the Minister Treasury.

Resources: Optional appeal for replenishment within one month or contentious-administrative appeal before the corresponding jurisdictional body, within two months (article 46 of Law 29/1998 of July 13).

Processing Unit: General Secretary EA0041197 – Legal Area

To carry out the scientific-technical justifications of the grants in execution, you must access the call to which the grant corresponds, which you can locate in the call search engine.

Once the call is located, in the "Justification" section or, failing that, in the "Execution and Justification" section, you will find the corresponding report models and the appropriate instructions regarding the periods established in each call for grants.

The completed report and the required documentation will be attached to the JUSTIWEB application ( in the period that is automatically enabled, and will remain open during the period appropriate depending on the dates of execution, marked by the start and end dates of the window.

All scientific-technical justifications must be closed and registered by the Legal Representative of the center within the period established for them. If they are not carried out within said period, a claim period will subsequently be enabled in which they will have 15 business days to carry out the entire justification process again.

All scientific-technical justifications will be reviewed before being sent for evaluation. If there is a formal defect, a period of 10 business days will be enabled to make the correction.

In the case of the final justification of the aid, you must answer some questions related to the results indicators of the entire action, in order to complete the justification process with the necessary signature and electronic registration.