Fight against Fraud

The Secretary of State for Universities, Research, Development and Innovation as a Public Organism, wishes to record that any citizen of the European Union can inform the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) of suspected fraud that affect the financial interests of the EU, and that you can contact this entity in all the official languages ​​of the Union.

OLAF's contact details can be found on its website:

In addition, the National Antifraud Coordination Service (SNCA) is the body dependent on the IGAE (General State Intervention) within the MINHAFP (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration), in charge of coordinating actions aimed at protecting the financial interests of the European Union against fraud in collaboration with OLAF.

It is everyone's responsibility to identify any practice that deviates from ethical behavior in the use of public funds. Therefore, anyone who wants to report a fact, circumstance or any type of questionable behavior that may be considered a breach of the rules (irregularity) or a deliberate act of fraud, can do so anonymously and without any formalities, providing the most precise and detailed information possible and providing documentation if you have it, through the following emails:

The facts must be described objectively, including, if possible, verifiable information, such as: project reference, amounts, dates, etc., indicating whether the fact has been communicated to other authorities.

The treatment of personal data will comply with the provisions of the Organic Law on Data Protection, Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data.

Legal Framework

Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU). Articles 310.6, 325 and 317, require the EU and the Member States to fight against fraud and any illegal activity that affects the financial interests of the EU. In turn, it is established that the principle of sound financial management will be applied in the execution of the EU budget by the Member States in collaboration with the Commission.

Financial Regulation 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of October 25, 2012, financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union. Articles 30, 33 and 59.2

Regulation (CE, Euratom) nº 2988/1995, of December 18, 1995, defines what is meant by irregularity and offers common provisions for the administrative measures and sanctions that must be applied.

Regulation (EC, Euratom) No. 2185/1996, of November 11, 1996, deals with on-site controls and verifications carried out by the Commission in the Member States. It provides for cooperation and coordination between the Commission and the Member States.

The Convention on the protection of the financial interests of the European Communities, of July 26, 1995 ("PIF Convention"), offers a definition of fraud and irregularity.

Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013, of December 17, 2013, establishes common provisions for the ESI Funds for the 2014-2020 programming period. Article 125(4)(c) clarifies the obligation for managing authorities to put in place effective and proportionate anti-fraud measures taking into account the risks identified, taking the necessary measures to effectively prevent, detect and sanction fraud. fraud and irregularities and reimburse irregular amounts to the EU budget. Article 72 h) establishes that the management and control systems must (...) provide what is necessary to prevent, detect and correct irregularities, including fraud, and recover the amounts unduly paid plus default interest.

National legislation regulates the application of administrative sanctions and also establishes possible criminal proceedings and sanctions that may be imposed. The criminal code. Title XIV, article 306 deals with fraud in the general budgets of the European Union.

Anti-fraud documentation