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Current regulations on gender equality:

II Plan for Equality between women and men in the AGE


Law of Science, Technology and Innovation ( Law 14/2011, of June 1):

Additional provision thirteenth. Implementation of the gender perspective.

  1. The composition of the bodies, councils and committees regulated in this law, as well as the bodies for evaluation and selection of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System, shall conform to the principles of composition and balanced presence between women and men established by Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men.

  2. The Spanish Strategy for Science and Technology and the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research will promote the incorporation of the gender perspective as a transversal category in research and technology, so that its relevance is considered in all aspects of the process. , including the definition of scientific-technical research priorities, research problems, theoretical and explanatory frameworks, methods, data collection and interpretation, conclusions, applications and technological developments, and proposals for studies futures. They will also promote gender and women's studies, as well as concrete measures to stimulate and recognize the presence of women in research teams.

  3. The Information System on Science, Technology and Innovation will collect, process and disseminate data disaggregated by sex and will include indicators of presence and productivity.

  4. The procedures for the selection and evaluation of the research staff at the service of the public Universities and the Public Research Bodies of the General State Administration, and the procedures for the granting of grants and subsidies by the research funding agents will establish mechanisms to eliminate gender biases that will include, whenever possible, the introduction of confidential evaluation processes.

    Said processes must assume that the evaluator does not know the personal characteristics of the person evaluated, in order to eliminate any discrimination based on birth, race, sex, religion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

    In addition, the procedures for the selection and evaluation of teaching and research staff at the service of public universities, and of research and research staff at the service of the Public Research Bodies of the General State Administration, will take into account situations of temporary disability , risk during pregnancy, maternity, custody for the purposes of adoption, foster care, risk during breastfeeding and paternity, so that people who find themselves or have found themselves in such situations are guaranteed the same opportunities as the rest of the personnel involved in the selection and evaluation processes, and their record, merits and curriculum vitae are not penalized for the time elapsed in such situations. The Government will regulate the way in which these circumstances will be taken into account.

  5. The Spanish Innovation Strategy and the State Innovation Plan will promote the incorporation of the gender perspective as a transversal category in all aspects of its development.

  6. The Public Research Bodies will adopt Equality Plans within a maximum period of two years after the publication of this law, which will be monitored annually. Said plans must include incentive measures for those centers that improve gender indicators in the corresponding annual monitoring.

Video:  Organic Law 3/2007