Programming and Economic and Administrative Management Division

Head of Division: Asunción Franch Meneu.

Contact: Torrelaguna street 58 bis.


Principal functions:

The head of Economic and Administrative Management and Programming Division has as main functions:

  • Coordinate the dependent subdivisions.
  • Control the application of the regulations on state grants, in coordination with the SEIDI.
  • Plan and coordinate the execution of the calendar of calls contemplated in the annual action program approved by SEIDI.
  • Coordinate with the Division of Coordination, Evaluation and Scientific and Technical Monitoring the planning, distribution and control of the budget assigned to each call.

Head of Subdivision: Raúl Segovia García.

Contact: Torrelaguna street 58 bis.


Principal functions:

La Economic Management Branch tiene encomendada, en coordinación con la Secretaría General las siguientes funciones principales:

  • The planning and financial management and the management and realization of payments derived from the actions of the AEI.
  • The management of AEI actions derived from collaboration agreements and agreements signed with other national and international entities.

The Subdivision for Monitoring and Justification of Grants has the functions of economic-financial control and monitoring of the actions financed and the grants granted by the AEI and those entrusted to it, including the monitoring and control of loans and guarantees .

Head of Subdivision: Manuela Turrión Nieves.

Contact: Torrelaguna street 58 bis.


Emails for economic justification inquiries:

  • Consultations on the economic justification of the grants from: R+D Projects, Young Researchers, Complementary Actions, Networks of Excellence, International Congresses, Explora, Consolider, Europe Excellence, Europe Networks and Managers, Cofund, Europe Researchers, International Joint Programming Actions, IPT, Parques, Equipa, RTC, PSE, PETRIS, TRACE, OTRI, INNCIDE, PID, SME.
  • Consultations on the economic justification of Human Resources grants not co-financed by the European Social Fund: Ramón y Cajal, Juan de la Cierva (Training/Incorporation), Support Technicians, Stable incorporation of Doctors, Industrial Doctorates, Torres Quevedo Program, Estancias Brief, Predoctoral Contracts (calls not co-financed by FSE), FPI contracts, FPI scholarships.

Emails for requests and remittance of proof of payment letters:

Emails for other topics:

Principal functions:

Specifically, this Subdivision performs the following main tasks (*):

  • Carry out the economic and financial control and monitoring of the actions financed by the AEI: reception and verification of the justifications presented by the beneficiaries of the grants.
  • Process procedures for the reimbursement of grants granted when appropriate as a result of verifying the justifications presented.
  • Issue payment letters and control the income derived from reimbursement files and voluntary returns of the calls that have been assigned, as well as communications with the AEAT in relation to debts not paid in the voluntary period.
  • Process returns of undue income, for reimbursement files and voluntary returns.
  • Cancel and seize guarantees that have been constituted in the granting process.
  • Control and monitor credits with beneficiaries in bankruptcy.
  • Update tables of amortization of loans granted.
  • Issue reports on the appeals that are presented against resolutions issued in the follow-up procedures.

(*) In the calls financed co-financed by the FSE (Ramón y Cajal Program, Grants for the Promotion of Youth Employment and Implementation of the Youth Guarantee and Predoctoral Contracts for the Training of Doctors, or others that have this co-financing in the future) and in the call for the Acquisition of Scientific-Technical Equipment, financed by the FEDER, these functions are carried out by the Subdivision of Management of Grants from European Funds.

The European Fund Grants Management Subdivision is entrusted with:

  • Planning, coordination, management and monitoring of AEI actions co-financed with European funds.
  • Certifications to the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and the European Social Fund (FSE) of expenses related to operations managed by the AEI.

Head of Subdivision: José María Ocón y Alcoceba.

Contact: Torrelaguna street 58 bis.


Principal functions:

Specifically, this subdivision performs the following main tasks:

(*) The economic and financial monitoring of the rest of the calls corresponds to the Subdivision of Monitoring and Justification of Grants.

The Planning and Administrative Management Subdivision is entrusted with the operational management of the administrative procedures for granting rants, being the instructing body for said granting procedures.

Head of Subdivision: Israel Marqués Martín.

Contact: Torrelaguna street 58 bis.


Principal functions:

Specifically, this subdivision performs the following main tasks:

  • Coordinate the preparation, approval and publication of calls for grants.
  • Attend and advise applicants and potential beneficiaries during the application submission and processing phase.
  • Carry out the administrative review of the applications and the correction of defects and Process the resolutions of withdrawal and inadmissibility that are appropriate.
  • Send the files to the evaluation applications, for their scientific-technical, economic and financial evaluation.
  • Monitor the correct receipt of the evaluation reports and the financing proposal.
  • Convene the evaluation commission whose report will serve as the basis for approving the provisional resolution proposal.
  • Formulate and notify the provisional resolution proposal and open the hearing process.
  • Process the allegations and, if necessary, send them to the evaluation systems.
  • Request as many other reports as required by the call or by applicable regulations.
  • Formulate and notify the final resolution proposal and send it to the Economic Management Branch for the corresponding economic and accounting procedures.
  • Notify the concession resolution to the beneficiary.
  • Manage the reception and verification of the employment contracts that are presented after the concession resolution, in the actions in which this is required in the call.
  • Issue reports on the appeals that are submitted during the entire investigation phase of the calls and until the granting, upon request, when appropriate, of complementary reports to other units.

In addition, this subdivision is responsible for the Management of the Entities System (SISEN), processing the additions, deletions and modifications of both registered entities and their legal representatives, as well as, when the entry into force occurs, of manage the request for information to the AGE Power of Attorney Registry.